Se acabó el taconeo… los Kazaky acaban de anunciar que se separan. El ahora trío (bueno ahora ni trío ni nada) ha publicado un mensaje de despedida en su perfil oficial de Facebook. No se atreven a decir adiós puesto que dicen que cada uno de ellos seguirá haciendo cosas en solitario y tampoco descartan volver a reunirse en un futuro ya que la relación personal entre ellos permanece saludable.
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Hello to all KAZAKY fans! Well… It’s time to say you something. Something important to all of us. Time doesn’t stand still and every one of us wants to move forward to express ourselves in own direction, build a personal creative space and generate new ideas. In this matter, as in many others, we came to an understanding and joint decision to make a stopover for KAZAKY liner and get off to explore our personal art highways.
We’re certainly not going to tell you this sad word «goodbye» because firstly – we’ll be with you as before, just individually; secondly – we can’t exclude that in the future we’ll get together and do something for you again.
This is not a reason to be sad. It’s like cell division and the supernova explosion – the time is coming and something one is dividing and multiplying for new reasons. It’s time to have fun and create new interesting things and events.
We must say that our gratitude to you is boundless, you are our greatest achievement during these five and a half years. You have been and remain an essential part of our inspiration. Thanks to you we were able to make a fascinating journey, leave our contributions in a big and bright world of pop culture and show worthy modern face of Ukraine. And of course, we want to say a special gratitude to our Ukrainian fans, the society and the mass media for sincere interest, support and freedom of our expression without taboos and prejudices, without inhuman and degrading laws.
Soon we will begin to share with you our new ideas. Pockets full of it!) So now, all we want to tell you – we love you VERY much and hugs e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e. We promise to keep in touch and hope for your wonderful support of our new beginnings.
Remember, you’re the best, you’re special and you’re capable of anything. Never doubt yourself.
Forever your KAZAKY – Artur, Kyryll, Artemiy and Oleg

Periodista y Graduado en Derecho. Experto en televisión, música y cine. Ha escrito en los principales medios de España y publica en Internet desde 2007.