Nick Carter de Backstreet Boys ha anunciado en Twitter que tanto él como su hermana han tenido que pedir una orden de alejamiento contra su hermano menor Aaron por amenazas de muerte contra la esposa de Nick, que además está embarazada. Nick ha acompañado el mensaje con el ‘hashtag’ #GunControl por lo que se intuye que Aaron Carter habría amenazado con matarles usando armas de fuego (últimamente ha estado coleccionándolas).
Aaron Carter, el denunciado, ha contestado también a través de Twitter y ha dicho cosas inquietantes como que Michael Jackson ya le avisó de que «esto pasaría». Oye, si se lo dijo Michael Jackson…
Aquí puedes ver los tuits de Aaron:
So my brother just got a a restraining order against me. And I was just served lol
— Aaron Carter (@aaroncarter) September 17, 2019
Take care. @nickcarter we’re done for life.
— Aaron Carter (@aaroncarter) September 17, 2019
I haven’t seen him in four years. And I don’t intend.
— Aaron Carter (@aaroncarter) September 17, 2019
You should send a cease and desist while you’re at it too.
— Aaron Carter (@aaroncarter) September 17, 2019
I am astounded at the accusations being made against me and I do not wish harm to anyone, especially my family.
— Aaron Carter (@aaroncarter) September 17, 2019
All I ask is for my family to leave me alone. This is blood. Not love. I will never be around you and I don’t want to be around you. I am the one who said I’m done then you send me this!? Ok. Stop trying to get me 5150’d before I file a harassment suit myself nick I have the $
— Aaron Carter (@aaroncarter) September 18, 2019
All I ask is for my family to leave me alone. This is blood. Not love. I will never be around you and I don’t want to be around you. I am the one who said I’m done then you send me this!? Ok. Stop trying to get me 5150’d before I file a harassment suit myself nick I have the $
— Aaron Carter (@aaroncarter) September 18, 2019
I just helped our mother and none of them even cared to be there for her. Very sad.
— Aaron Carter (@aaroncarter) September 18, 2019
Don’t come crying to me after I block you either, cause I’ll never unblock these backstreet boy fans for attacking me. When I knew what my “family” has been doing all along when I’m st my home minding my own fucking business.
— Aaron Carter (@aaroncarter) September 18, 2019
I’ll be just fine without them. They need to leave me alone. Michael Jackson told me this was gonna happen and he was right.
— Aaron Carter (@aaroncarter) September 18, 2019

Periodista y Graduado en Derecho. Experto en televisión, música y cine. Ha escrito en los principales medios de España y publica en Internet desde 2007.